17. november

Our get-together is the optimal prelude to the forum and provides room for conversation and networking accompanied by food and drinks.

Date: Sunday, November 17, 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm Location: Hotel Berlin
Lützowplatz 17
10785 Berlin
Price: 58 Euro Tickets: Via online ticket-shop
To be booked separately.
Not included in the forum ticket.

18. november


Welcome Address

Speaker: Benedikt Zimmermann (German Biochar e.V.)

Keynote Plenum

The Role of Biochar in Sustainability Management

Speaker: tbd

Presentation Plenum

Speakers: Marleen Greenberg Marleen Greenberg (HIR Hamburg Institut Research gGmbH) Jana Kapfer Jana Kapfer (HIR Hamburg Institut Research gGmbH)

Announcement Barcamps

Coffee Break

Vegan/vegetarian snacks incl. drinks (coffee, soft drinks and water).
Included in the forum ticket.


Partner Presentation

Lunch Break

Lunch buffet with vegetarian/vegan dishes and soft drinks.
Included in the forum ticket.

Presentation Plenum

Speaker: Nikolas Hagemann Dr. Nikolas Hagemann (Ithaka Institute)

Presentation Plenum

The Biochar Market from the Perspective of a Family Office

Panel discussion Plenum

Challenges and Opportunities for Financing BCR Projects

Coffee Break | Poster Session and Partner Exhibition

Workshop Plenum

Ensuring Transparency in Carbon Credits for Accurate Carbon Accounting


Forum Dinner

Vegan/vegetarian buffet incl. drinks (wine, beer, soft drinks and water).
Included in the forum ticket.

19. november


Presentation Plenum

The IPCC's Methodology vs. the Voluntary Market for C-Sink Certificates: Methodologies, Differences and Future Prospects

Coffee Break

Vegan/vegetarian snacks incl. drinks (coffee, soft drinks and water).
Included in the forum ticket.

Presentation Plenum

Speaker: Saskia Kühnhold-Pospischil Dr. Saskia Kühnhold-Pospischil (Fraunhofer Institut for Solar Energy Systems)

Lunch Break

Lunch buffet with vegetarian/vegan dishes and soft drinks.
Included in the forum ticket.

Workshop Plenum

LCAs, Carbon Accounting and Biochar


Presentation Plenum

Insetting: The Application of Biochar to Products Such as Substrates, Organic Fertilizers and Construction Materials

Panel discussion Plenum

Moderator: Riccardo Ambrosini Riccardo Ambrosini (ecoLocked GmbH) Speakers: Christian Donath Christian Donath (ECO Platform) Mantijn van Leeuwen Dr.ir. Mantijn van Leeuwen (NIBE BV) Nikolaos Vlasopoulos Dr. Nikolaos Vlasopoulos (Holcim)


Closing Words
